Immediate software updates are required for both servers 1 and 2 and accounts from both servers will be merged to one immediately following. Updates are scheduled to take place the last week of September, 2019. Once we have an exact date and time I will update this announcement with those details.

If you are running an outdated version of the store builder script on your site (anything prior to 2.94) you will need to schedule your upgrade immediately or you may encounter site errors. The solution to these errors is a script upgrade to the latest version (currently 2.96). 

Please open a ticket to schedule your upgrade or to ask any questions that you may have regarding the updates or to upgrade your store builder.

UPDATE 09/27: Accounts on server1 may experience some hiccups in service consistency during the time of the actual merger and for up to 24 hours following due to the time it takes for IP addresses on the Internet to fully propagate. This is similar to the propagation time that you might encounter when you set up a completely new website. An email will be sent out to all sites on server1 before the merger takes place. Please feel free to open a ticket if you have any questions.

UPDATE 09/29: The migration was successful. I will send another message to all clients that received one yesterday to follow up one last time. In the meantime, if you are concerned of your status, you can check your website ping on a site like: (type in your website URL minus http:) and then click the "ping" button) You want all of the IP addresses shown to be:


Lunedì, Settembre 23, 2019

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